The Best 8 Natural Nootropics to Improve Intelligence, Memory, and Focus

Various types of brain health stimulants are from various sources, such as medicinal plants and ayurvedic remedies. In some parts of the world, people have been using nootropics, or cognitive enhancers, for well over 2,000 years.

Whether it’s improving brain function before a significant test or offsetting memory loss in old age, nootropics are used for a variety of reasons. Regardless of why people use nootropics, everyone’s effort is directed at having the things they desire to get done and become more efficient when faced with a time limit.

This increase in demand for productivity has created people operating in business by increasing the sale of both natural and synthetic nootropics globally. In a market poised to reach a valuation of $6.29 billion by 2028, according to Verified Market Research, you may be wondering what nootropics can do for you. Here s what you need to know about how naturally sourced nootropics can improve your thinking process.

What Are Natural Nootropics?

Any supplements, drugs, or compounds that improve cognitive function are known as nootropics. They are popular among people all over the world who need to boost intelligence, creativity, and stamina. Besides improving their productivity, nootropics also make them smarter and less stressed, according to a holistic health specialist named Shari Auth.

Some nootropics enhance your overall cognitive functioning by improving different aspects of reaction time, alertness, memory, and memory. Many also known as adaptogens also have a number of stress-relieving qualities, such as improving your organism’s ability to endure stress.

Dr. Corneliu Giurgea was one of the first scientists who researched nootropics and established a number of criteria that would be able to classify an item as a nootropic. According to his definition, a true nootropic should meet at least one of the following conditions: help with memory and learning; aid the organism’s ability to execute physical tasks; result in an increase in energy and stamina.

Unlike many other psychotropic drugs, this drug has no side effects.

Supplementing With Natural Nootropics

Though Nootropics may be helpful for brain health, they shouldn’t be used in place of healthy habits. Getting the appropriate amount of sleep, eating a healthy meal, and managing stress are critical to achieving optimal cognitive performance, Chris D Adamo, Ph.D., at the University of Maryland, explained on WebMD.

Once an individual makes these changes to their way of life, nootropics may be used as an extra advantage in order to improve mental clarity, lessen mental fatigue, and lessen the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

There are a number of different available psychedelic nootropics. It s crucial that consumers be aware of the various elements involved with the nootropic supplements they’re interested in to maximize effectiveness and minimize risk. The first difference to make is between synthetic and natural nootropics, which is one of several critical aspects consumers need to consider.

Synthetic Nootropics

Compounds that are called smart drugs are manmade pills designed to enhance cognitive capacity by chemically changing brain function. Synthetic nootropics such as Modafinil, Racetams, Adrafinil, and Noopept fall into this category. These substances can enhance brain function, but formal and informal research suggests that they should be used with caution, such as with drugs of abuse.

Take Modafinil, for example. This drug for sleep issues has become especially popular among people of all ages who wish to improve their energy and alertness. While there is not enough research on the drug, researching its mechanisms may give us an insight into possible side effects in the future.

Modafinil impacts the levels of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin in a person’s brain; it is unclear what consequences these internal modifications may have on their overall health in the long term. According to Markham Heid, author of the article “Why Modafinil Is the Future of Sleep” published by TIME, Modafinil has been tied to various side effects.

Drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, such as Adderall and Ritalin, also qualify as nootropics. These medications are frequently used by patients who suffer from ADHD and also by those who are not affected by the disorder and may fall victim to its side effects. In addition to being habit-forming, Adderall and Ritalin have been known to cause insomnia, hallucinations, seizures, heart issues, and death.

Some proponents of the Gurgea theory of nootropic classification do not consider them to be drugs.

Natural Nootropics

Not all the effects of synthetic nootropics are sufficient reason to avoid them, consider, for instance, the number of natural nootropics that you can find in the natural world. Plants and plants offer a wide cluster of adaptogenic, or stress-relieving, substances that enable enhanced focus and recovery.

Natural nootropics are considered safer by medical professionals than synthesized chemical forms as they at their purest form do not produce side effects like other neuro-psychotropic drugs. Search out high-quality nootropic herbal products that have been standardized or that feature certain trademarks or classifications, such as GMP, which refers to good manufacturing practices.

You will also find Nootropics made from all-natural elements, with no artificial ingredients, or frequent allergens. Manufacturers who are committed to safety and health will clearly define the presence of ingredients and their elements, including gluten, soy, and dairy. Here’s a list of the supplements made from natural components, and their effects on the mind and body.

Green Tea and L-Theanine

Green tea is a common source of L-theanine, which is typically recognized as an efficient nootropic. Numerous studies have associated L-theanine with improved cognitive performance, comfortable sleep, increased reaction time, and a relaxed demeanor. L-theanine may also provide help to patients suffering from anxiousness. These favorable effects relate to L-theanine’s neuroprotective effects, which means it may restore and resuscitate brain cells.

Bacopa Monnieri

Brahmi, also called bacopa Monnier, is a primary herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It thrives in wet, tropical environments and can thrive underwater. Similar to many other natural nootropics, the plant, its extracts, and isolated bacosides are known to help boost mental performance and help lessen stress, and have anti-inflammatory properties, as well.

Another reward of incorporating bacopa monnieri is that it comprises adaptogens, which encourage the free radicals and oxidative stress frequently linked to modern-day lifestyle diseases, including heart issues, diabetes, and cancer.


Ginseng has been a staple in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is a long and light brown root, with green leaves and a slightly bitter taste. There are two popular species, both from Central and South America, called American (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian (Panax ginseng). As their names imply, both types of ginseng have a positive effect on the immune system.

Ginseng can enhance one’s health by increasing sugar levels and facilitating attention for menopause, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other ailments. Ginseng is a strong herb that may interact with other medications and might not be suitable for individuals taking medications, so ensure you consult your physician first before taking Ginseng as a supplement.

Rhodiola Rosea

Also known as rose root, arctic root, or golden root, Russian Rhodiola Rosea is a mountain herb that thrives in chilly locations. It contains over 140 nutrients, has an antianxiety and sedative effect, and is also used to treat anxiety in Scandinavian and Russian areas like Finland and Sweden.

A study was conducted in which Rhodiola was compared with Zoloft, a frequently prescribed antidepressant, to see the effects of the compounds involved. The study revealed that the natural remedy had a different effect on alleviating overall symptoms of depression than the chemical drug, but it was also less prone to produce side effects.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

A shaggy white mushroom called lion’s mane can be consumed cooked, raw, dried, or in tea form. While there is no definitive report that lion’s mane is associated with Alzheimer’s disease prevention, a study of mice has shown that this mushroom has neuroprotective effects for the treatment of or the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. These are sometimes a cause of certification.

Ginkgo Biloba

Beginning around 37 BCE, Ginkgo Biloba is one of the oldest existing tree species. It has long been used as a natural nootropic, and one study showed it could produce long-term positive changes in mental health, anxiety, and stress management. Ginkgo is also known to improve the cognitive performance of people with mild to moderate loss of cognitive abilities.

Gingko’s positive effects on blood flow may support overall heart health, which can reduce the risk of stroke. Other research shows the positive effects of ginkgo Biloba on eye health. Further research is needed, but preliminary findings indicate that supplementing with ginkgo Biloba may be of benefit to patients with age-related macular degeneration, the key cause of blindness.


The body produces small quantities of choline in the liver; however, it is not sufficient to meet the needs of humans. Thus, we must obtain it from food or from a choline supplement. Choline is sometimes grouped with B vitamins because of its essential role in regulating liver function, metabolism, brain development, and muscle movement. While it is rare to be deficient in choline, it is possible to take supplements to improve the quantity consumed and ensure the proper functioning of the essential body systems.


Piracetam is a nootropic that’s similar to others, which has been found to help memory and cognitive function; it also strengthens learning ability, intellect, and concentration. Experiments have found that Piracetam enables users to increase circulation and enhance ATP production, but dosages and efficacy may vary, depending on the person. A study of older adults presented results that were impacted by proper dosing.

Natural Nootropics for Health

The increased desire for enhancing brain health and performance resulted in the development of a variety of artificially produced supplements, but being taken along with caution, the majority of these supplements are risk-free. Natural nootropics remain the best and safest choice.

Whether it improves cognitive functioning, decreases the risk of illness, or raises your resilience when it comes to stress, natural nootropics offer a wide range of benefits for general well-being and cognitive fitness. Knowing how to incorporate these supplements into your life will help you better understand how your overall health and how it is optimized and improved.